About Me

Do you know how some people find relaxation when they go to their summer cabin, or peace in the mountains? My place is Disney. The “Disney Bubble” is a real thing, and hundreds of thousands of people cannot be wrong when they refer to Disney as “home.”

This feeling was a big motivator for me when the opportunity came to become a travel agent specializing in Disney. In my entire life, I have not been known to take a leap of faith and start something that I wasn’t already sure about. I’ve been in the same job for almost 20 years, and I ultimately chose to live in a location that is close to all of my family. This spontaneous decision to try my hand at being a Disney Travel Planner is just the type of hold that Disney has on me though. When I heard the offer from Rob and Kerri Stuart to send them a message if there was an interest in working for their new travel agency and planning Disney trips for others, there was next to no hesitation. Message sent. I figured I could always say no later, if anything came from it. When the call came though, I found myself saying yes before Rob was even done explaining what it entailed. After that was done, then I thought about telling my husband. Luckily, my husband enjoys Disney as well, although maybe not quite at my level, and was very supportive of this new part-time adventure.

Now a little about myself, to complete the mental picture of a Disney nut. My name is Melanie Nelson. I was born and raised in a small town in southern Minnesota, and I currently live in another small town next door to my hometown. For the past 18 years I have worked first as a 911 dispatcher, and now as a supervisor for that same 911 dispatch center. Serious work, right? It can be. Disney is my release. I love going, and now I love helping others plan and enjoy their own trips. If I can be of assistance to you in planning that Disney getaway, or any other vacation, please reach out to melanie@creatingmagicvacations.com. Until then, read and enjoy my ramblings about Disney trips and other adventures I go on.